Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day Five: Oh' how Hollywood has changed the end of the world...

In recent years, Hollywood has shown a great appreciation for the Doomsday film. Apocalypse movies have reigned almost supreme since about 2007. And the range of the catastrophes has been without bounds. From runaway viruses to alien invasion, and every now and then a decent zombie film. This rise in apocalyptic fiction has added fuel to the survivalism movement's fire. With each box office success, comes at least five hundred more converts. They may not all quit their jobs, stock up on supplies and armaments and movie to the Wyoming Rockies, but at least five people leave the theater thinking that one awful question: What If? What if the world ends tomorrow?, What if the next round of flu is the deadliest?, What if the lights never come back on? These questions lead inevitably to the next big question: Am I Prepared?

No is usually the answer to that one. These people don't get into a frenzy and isolate themselves, their response is more like my response; go online, look up a list of tools and supplies that you'll need, read a few very good books, and compile a good-sized Bug-out Bag. This is the average response to such a growing curiosity. A curiosity that Hollywood has exploited incredibly well. In the last three to four years, at least two dozen doomsday movies maybe even more, have been released onto the population including but not limited to :

  • Carriers

  • Doomsday

  • Cloverfield

  • The Book of Eli

  • 28 Weeks Later

  • Invasion

  • The Crazies

  • I Am Legend

  • Legion

  • Zombieland

  • Resident Evil(extinction & afterlife)

  • The Road

  • Terminator Salvation

  • 2012

  • Children Of Men

  • and much much more.....

This is by no means a comprehensive list. But the sheer bulk of films that are represented is astounding. Many of these films went on to mega-blockbusters or cult classics. This blog is called a book list, but with such a rise in the film media of apocalyptic fiction, it would be ignorant of me to not mention or suggest a movie or two like I've done already. That being said, the following suggestions are some of my favorite films, and absolute musts when it comes to learning everything you need to know to survive the end. I read in another article that you can learn everything you need to know about survival from scifi-doomsday films. This is as much a fiction as the movies themselves, but they can serve as useful guidelines to the real thing...

Suggestion #1: The Book of Eli

After Viewing this film, my mind was quiet for a very long time. The possibility that this could one day be our future was so real and startling I was scared into silence. It's why I haven't written about it before, or in such a long time. This movie made me get serious about the end of the world, and the world that would be born from the ashes. A world that nobody would ever want to see with their own eyes. It made me ask the other really big question: Do I really want to Survive at all?

The Book of Eli showed you a world of complete destruction and did so beautifully. With an amazing cast and incredible cinematography; and a mood and tone that are more darker and somber than any other film of the year. The film gave the audience a view of a future that doesn't need zombies to make it scary, and presented to us the many things people would have to do, or be willing to do, to survive.

Suggestion #2: Carriers

The Perfect film to highlight what not to do in a doomsday situation. Do not succumb to the every-man-for-himself frenzy. I happen to believe in Karma, and it is illustrated perfectly in this film. Yes they did survive, and yes they did make it to their destination, and yes they did have a plan and supplies and all that bull. But watch the movie, really watch it. For every sacrificed life they ended to save their own, they paid awful prices for them. This film was amazing. Great cast and film makers, great story, and great execution. But above all, it had one great message that I truly believe in: Don't abandon your humanity for the sake of survival, because you won't survive, you'll become a monster more evil than the one that destroyed your world.

Any other movie from the above list is just as useful as the two I suggested, I've seen almost all of them, and recommend all of them to you. But remember, these are guidelines, not hard facts and reference materials. you want that, stay tuned for my next entry, which will be about the many new books and websites that I've come across in my research, and i will have a few videos and a full entry about making your own bug out bag.

thanks for reading.