Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day One: a reaction to a growing audience....

If there is one thing that this oil spill has brought up about this world, it's that the planet we live on is much more fragile than we are lead to believe. With the green movement and the cries for alternate energy and recycling programs, we believe that we can save the ecosystem from a slow death of pollution. I wouldn't say that expectation is fool-hearty, never underestimate human ingenuity. But pollution isn't the only possible way to execute a complete collapse of civilization, and we can't prevent something that for, all intense and purposes, is a natural occurrence.
As a student of history and anthropology, I have lately witnessed a dark pattern scratched across the human timeline. And the pattern is this: a political/disastrous shit storm builds, and the world ends.
And not only does the world end, it displaces the few who survive and are left behind to pick their way across the torn land of a world that has been sterilized of everything that was.

I know what you're thinking, why does anyone get so caught up with this stuff? This growing obsession over doomsday, the Apocalypse, survivalism, etc. where does it all come from? Why does it matter to so many people? Answer; because it's such a great and undeniable possibility; especially in this highly advanced and incredibly violent age of human evolution.

Millions of people have began the search for enlightenment on the subject of surviving the doomsday event, whatever that might be, and it's hard to separate the knowledge you need out of the loony bin. I want to help
so, what follows is a reaction to a growing audience....
I will go on a hunt for all knowledge survivalism and doomsday and post all books, articles, blogs, and websites here for anyone who is looking for it. I won't just review and blog about reference materials, there is a wide variety of fiction novels and films out there that are just as illuminating as any textbook. No, this blog will cover it all as best as I can. Please feel free to comment and give suggestions, and wish me luck on my search.

For my first post, I suggest two things for your viewing:

  • Survival

founded by Jim Rawles, a largely read survivalism author and ex- army intelligence officer, the blog is probably the most professional and helpful website on survivalism and has in-depth instructions on building shelters, building up supplies, learning helpful skills, and is a great way to find others searching for the same information.

My second Suggestion:

I know it may seem out there, but you should read it, you'll understand........

  • The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger by Stephen King.

a dark and unsettling view of what our would might be one day.

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